Thursday, 13 January 2011

Introduction to cameras

Today we learned the basics about our video cameras.

This included:

  • inserting the SD memory cards
  • turning the camera on/off
  • zooming in and out
  • changing the amount of light that the camera registers
  • changing from auto to manual and vice versa
  • manually focus to avoid blurry videos or automatic change of focus
and many more...

We also learned about the do's and don'ts such as

  • use many angles
  • use many shot types

  • film in dangerous locations
  • expose the camera to water or anything that could damage it
  • do anything that may be illegal i.e trespassing
During this lesson we were given a task to create a movie sequence where a simple task is made much more interesting using different techniques which we have previously learned about. We started by thinking what could we do to make reading a newspaper (this was the activity that our group was meant to record) mor exciting. Then we drew a storyboard and started to shoot moments after that. We only had time to import the footage into our hard drive before the lesson finished so the editing will have to be done next week.

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